“Will This Sin Send Me to Hell?” (The Patrick Madrid Show)

🔊 Listener Gary from Denver bares his soul, revealing a lifelong struggle with theft and sin. Here’s a powerful and personal exchange that might just inspire you.

Patrick Madrid: “Let’s go to Gary now in Denver. Good morning, Gary.”

Gary: “Good morning, Patrick. I’m a senior citizen, and I’ve spent my life sinning, mostly through shoplifting. I’ve been to confession, but it felt perfunctory. I feel doomed to hell because I think I can sin until an hour before I die and then be forgiven.”

Patrick: “Yes, Gary, if that’s your mindset, you are indeed on the road to hell. The sin of presumption, assuming you can game God’s mercy, is a form of pride. You don’t know when your life will end, and banking on a last-minute change of heart is perilous. But there’s hope. You can stop if you truly want to, with God’s grace and maybe a 12-step program like CatholicInRecovery.com.”

A month later:

Gary: “I’ve been thinking about what you said. I’ve stopped stealing for 30 days now. It’s a daily struggle, but I pray every morning for strength. I still need to go to confession properly.”

Patrick: “That’s amazing progress, Gary. Go to confession soon. Jesus’ grace in the sacrament will strengthen you. Consider restitution, perhaps donating to charity. 

Gary: “Thank you, Patrick. Your directness helped. I’m feeling closer to God and committed to changing my ways.”

This touching dialogue between Patrick and Gary shows the transformative power of God’s grace and the importance of confession. It’s never too late to turn away from sin and embrace a new life with Christ. Let Gary’s journey inspire you to seek forgiveness and change your path today. 🌟🙏 #FaithInAction #CatholicLife #GraceWorks

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.