Are You Bearing Fruit? (Father Simon Says)

In this episode of Father Simon Says, Father explores the deep meaning behind John 15:1-2, where Jesus says He’s the true vine and God is the gardener. What does this mean in your life? 🌞🍇

🔍 Highlights:

Branches & Fruits: Jesus talks about branches that bear fruit and those that don’t. The fruit represents the Fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, peace, patience, joy, and more. 🕊️

Ultimate Fruit – Obedience: These fruits reflect the personality of Christ. Our job is to become more like Him, showing these qualities in our lives. 🙏

Pruning for Growth: Just like in gardening, branches are pruned to bear more fruit. This process, though not always pleasant, helps us grow spiritually and produce better “fruits.” 🍇✂️

🌱 The Vine’s Tough Love:

Stress for Success: Stressing the vine with bad soil and pruning actually makes the grapes better. Life’s challenges work the same way, helping us grow spiritually. 🌿🍷

Leafy Distractions: God trims away the “leaves” (distractions and non-essential stuff) so we can focus on producing good, sweet grapes – our true purpose. 🍃❌ It can be tough to go through this, but it’s worth it.

📖 Stories & Insights:

Sour Grapes: Father Simon shares a childhood story of eating wild, sour grapes – a reminder that it’s not about the leaves but the sweet, usable fruit. 🌳🍇

Seeing God Everywhere: A sweet story of a boy asking his grandpa why he can’t see God. Grandpa’s answer shows that with time, God becomes all we can see. 🌅👴Is this true in your own life?

🎯 Life’s True Goal:

Deep Connection with God: God wants us to love Him with our whole heart and produce fruits that show this deep relationship. If something distracts us from this, He might take it away to refocus our lives. 💖🌟

Examples of Divine Pruning: Unhealthy relationships, distracting wealth, and even personal goals might be removed by God to bring us closer to Him. 🚫🏆

Fr. Richard Simon reminds us that life isn’t about having a lot of showy leaves but producing real, meaningful fruit that shows our close connection with Christ. 🌿❤️

For more inspiring insights, download the Relevant Radio app and check out Father Simon Says. It’s packed with daily inspiration, prayers, and more! 📲✨

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.