“I Didn’t Think I’d Make it in the World” A Recovering Drug Addict Shares His Journey (The Patrick Madrid Show)

🎙️ The Patrick Madrid Show took an emotional turn as Patrick spoke with Dominic, a 31-year-old recovering meth addict from Great Falls, Montana. In a candid conversation, Dominic shared his harrowing journey through addiction and his path to recovery, rooted in faith and resilience.

“A Decade of Darkness”

Dominic recounted how he spent his twenties in and out of the system, struggling with meth addiction, depression, and anxiety. He revealed that his fear of not being able to make it financially only compounded his troubles. Trying to sustain his habit, he resorted to small-time drug dealing and odd construction jobs, often fleeing after getting paid.

“The Wake-Up Call”

A turning point came when Dominic lost custody of his daughter. This heart-wrenching moment, coupled with a relapse, led him to a holding facility where he began to reconnect with his faith. Reading the Bible daily and praying, Dominic found solace and strength, realizing the importance of aligning his will with God’s.

“Rebuilding Relationships”

While Dominic’s path to regaining custody of his daughter remains uncertain, he holds onto hope that his recovery will eventually open doors. He continues to work on his sobriety, despite past actions that have strained familial bonds.

“Lessons from the Past”

Reflecting on his troubled youth, Dominic shared the impact of an unhealthy home environment and a persona he adopted to mask his pain. Despite his grandparents’ efforts to keep him in the Church, his early decisions led him astray. However, reconnecting with the Catholic community during a previous sober period gave him a glimpse of what he truly needed.

“Words of Wisdom”

Dominic’s advice to young people is clear: “Just don’t do it.” He emphasized the irreversible damage drugs can cause, stripping away more than one might ever anticipate. For parents, he urged compassion without enabling, suggesting tough love might be necessary to prompt a wake-up call.

“Faith as a Lifeline”

Dominic credits Relevant Radio and shows like Patrick Madrid’s for supporting his journey. Listening daily, both in and out of his cell, has helped him stay focused on the life he aspires to live.

Through his testimony, he hopes to inspire others to avoid his pitfalls and find solace in the unwavering support of the Catholic faith.

🙏 “Stay strong, stay faithful, and keep moving forward.”


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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.