Self-Care Phenomenon (Special Podcast Highlight)

Ever felt like you just need some “me time? What do you usually do? 


Here’s a question – has “me time” gone too far?


The Self-Care Hype: A Personal Take

Timmerie recounts a conversation with a longtime friend who worked in pregnancy resource centers. This friend shared stories of a mom juggling full-time parenting, PTA duties, and church volunteering, all while desperately seeking “me time.” On the flip side, another friend, a mother of four, laughed at the idea of “me time,” reminiscing about simply taking a deep breath amidst the chaos.


Jim’s Perspective: From Common Sense to Crazy

Jim O’Day joins the conversation with a candid take on how self-care has morphed into a narcissistic craze. He shares a frustrating story of an older woman caught up in the self-care movement, spending money she didn’t have on extravagant retreats. Jim emphasizes that true self-care should be about maintaining balance through simple, everyday actions—like a peaceful walk or a good night’s sleep—not expensive getaways.


The Personal Toll of Extreme Self-Care

There can be dangers of over-prioritizing self-care. This obsession can lead to family breakdowns, with some women going from being supermoms to walking away from their families. Jim calls for a return to the kind of common-sense care our grandmothers knew: small acts that nourish without isolating.


Healthy Marriages Need Healthy Individuals

Jim shares his experience working with couples. He stresses the importance of both partners getting healthy individually for their relationship to thrive. He advises against trying to fix each other, suggesting instead to focus on self-improvement and personal growth. His personal phrase? “You fix you, he fixes him.”


The Value of Trusted Friends

Both Timmerie and Jim stress the importance of having a support system. Jim shares how he turns to trusted friends when he’s struggling, making sure to focus on his own feelings rather than criticizing his spouse. This approach fosters healthier processing of marital challenges and keeps the focus on personal growth.


Balancing Self-Care with Common Sense

Balance and moderation are key. Timmerie and Jim encourage you to find joy in simple pleasures and maintain healthy routines without giving in to the pressures of social media’s extravagant standards.

Timmerie works as a radio host and Catholic speaker educating in areas of theology and is an expert at responding to current trends of sexuality, feminism, and gender ideology. She hosts Trending with Timmerie on Relevant Radio. She holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Theology and Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Media with an emphasis in the New Evangelization from John Paul the Great Catholic University.