Daybreak for August 30, 2024

  • Friday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time
  • Saint of the Day: St. Jeanne Jugan, 1792-1879; foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor; born in the French region of Brittany during the French Revolution; at 25, she joined the Congregation of Jesus and Mary; in 1837, she rented a small cottage with two others, where they formed a small community devoted to prayer, helping the poor, and teaching catechism; more women came to them for help, and she attained an open convent to house 40 more; more young women heard about Jeanne’s mission and joined her; by the time of her death, there were 2,400 Little Sisters of the Poor
  • Office of Readings and Morning Prayer for 8/30/24
  • Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13