More Schools Ban Cell Phones

The advent of the smartphone ushered schools into uncharted territory. Now, with smartphone ubiquity, some schools and major school districts are experimenting with more restrictive measures limiting phone use.

Connecticut Case Study

In December of 2023, principal Raymond Dolphin of Illing Middle School in Connecticut banned cell phones. The decision came after two years of surveying his student’s phone usage. “Social media was exacerbating nearly every conflict among students. When Dolphin walked the hallways or surveyed the cafeteria, he invariably saw heads bent over screens,” the Washington Post reported. The students now place their phones in locked gray pouches until the end of the day.

Some parents and students voiced objections related to safety, anxiety, and convenience. Yet the program “has already generated profound and unexpected results,” according to the Washington Post.

Stress and Anxiety

Restricting cell phone use in schools can help minimize distraction and improve mental health. Recent studies show a correlation between lots of screen time and “diminished mental well-being” in adolescents.

Illing’s ban seems to have worked. Principal Dolphin said that he thinks the kids are less angsty without their cell phones. Illing students now turn to friends instead of phones when they finish their work for class.

Schools in Orange County, Florida, implemented a similar ban and report improved well-being for their students. In addition to more peer-to-peer socialization, “There were also fewer discipline problems and violent behaviors,” the district superintendent reported.

Papal Counsel

In recent years, Pope Francis has urged screen time moderation. “A great risk for a boy and a girl today is to spend our days keeping a cell phone screen in front of our eyes,” he said in December 2022. Eyes are not meant for the virtual world, he said, but “to look up to heaven, to God, and to look into the eyes of those who live next to us.”

The Pope also warned of phone addiction. “When you become a slave to your mobile phone, you will lose your freedom,” the Pontiff told a group of high school students in 2019.


To listen to more on cell phones in schools, check out Drew’s segment here: