The Inner Life – August 22, 2024 – The Queenship of Mary

Father John Paul Erickson joins Patrick to discuss The Queenship of Mary

  • (7:50) Where is the queen ship of Mary mentioned in the scriptures? And is it pagan?
  • Carol – Shares birthday with Mary.  Makes a flower crown all year round for other people.  Thinks of it as a gift from God.

(18:27) Break 1

  • Mary – Could you explain Jesus as the new Melchiszadek and Jesus’s mother as the king mother?  Mother of the king in the old testament was highly regarded.
  • Juan – Had the opportunity to defend Mary this week.  We highly venerate her because she’s the mother of Christ.
  • (22:58) how does Mary being our mother impact our lives?
  • Regina – How do you answer protestants who quote the new testament saying all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God – referring to Mary and sin.
  • (31:20) Mary Lou – Queenship in her life as a convert has help healed femininity.   Was a feminist. Helped to heal relationship with earthly mother had have tenderness toward her.

(37:41) Break 2

  • Maria- Agrees that she is queen but is so much more.  She can get things done!
  • Mary – Working on a blessed mother statue that was given to her. Went to Mass this morning, said Rosary, and husband suggested using car wash to remove old paint. Mary has filled many voids and this has been a special project for her.
  • Maria – UPS worker noticed her name.  Her name was also Maria. Said you should be proud because you’ve been named after a queen.  Was very happy to hear that.


Patrick Conley was born, raised, and baptized in Wisconsin in a Protestant tradition. After meeting his wife, Kendra, through an Evangelical ministry at the University of Minnesota, they entered the Catholic Church in 2010. They listened to Relevant Radio, specifically The Inner Life, while preparing to enter the Church. Conley now holds a degree in theology from Oxford University and has served the Church in both academic theology and grassroots pastoral ministry. Conley teaches religion classes in a Catholic elementary school, serves as his parish Director of Religious Education, and is in formation for the permanent diaconate. He also hosts Practicing Catholic on Relevant Radio, exclusive to the Minneapolis area’s airwaves, and is a traveling presenter for the Catherine of Siena Institute apostolate. He lives in rural Wisconsin with his wife and their bulldogs, Georgie and Bingley.