Miracles pregnancy & Fertility Help

Miracle story of a 47yo woman pregnant after her husband had vasectomy reversal vs. taking the pill and IVF.  What are true restorative approaches? Dr. Susan Caldwell joins Trending with Timmerie for this fertility special (0:43) Does being on birth control affect a woman’s ability to choose a proper spouse? (24:39) IUDs?  In the news lately, women complain of severe pain during insertion Caller IUD story (42:56)

Resources mentioned : 

Dr. Caldwell’s Website


 Vasectomy Reversal



Long Term Complications to vasectomies 



More conversations with Dr. Susan Caldwell 



Fertility care  find a NaPro doctor 



NaPro Telemedicine



Learn more about pheromones – how men and women relate and how birth control impacts the chase https://relevantradio.com/2022/09/pheromones-how-men-women-relate-to-each-other-2/ 


This Is Your Brain On Birth Control



British Medical Journal on painful IUD research 


Timmerie works as a radio host and Catholic speaker educating in areas of theology and is an expert at responding to current trends of sexuality, feminism, and gender ideology. She hosts Trending with Timmerie on Relevant Radio. She holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Theology and Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Media with an emphasis in the New Evangelization from John Paul the Great Catholic University.