The Rich Graces of Confession (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

In this episode of The Inner Life, Patrick Conley and Fr. Eric Nielsen talk about the beauty and healing power of Reconciliation. Fr. Eric, associate pastor at All Saints Parish in Berlin, WI, starts off by emphasizing how confession renews our relationship with God and fills us with grace.

Patrick shares his own journey of first experiencing confession when he joined the Catholic Church. It’s a powerful practice of healing, reminding us why Christ came to Earth – to reconcile us to the Father 🙏.

Fr. Eric tackles the classic question: Why confess to a priest? He explains that while we can certainly confess directly to God, the priest offers assurance of forgiveness, acting in the person of Christ (📖 John 20:23). Plus, the grace we receive from the sacrament is more than just relief—it’s transformative, helping us break free from sin.

🎤 Caller Highlights:

James from California calls in to share his friend’s story. His friend, after years in Protestant churches, returned to the Catholic Church because only through confession did he feel fully free from his sins. James also asks why we call it “confession” instead of “Reconciliation.” Father Eric explains that while it’s technically the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the act of confession is central, as is the grace-filled encounter with the Holy Spirit. James also asks why other elements of the rite are not utilized, such as participating in song in the confessional.

Barbara from Arizona shares an inspiring story about her son, who struggled with addiction. After years of avoidance due to shame, he finally went to confession and experienced a huge weight lifted off his soul. She describes how he felt like a new person—a true testament to the healing power of this sacrament! 💪

Father emphasizes the need to bring others to confession and even recommends fasting and prayer for loved ones who may be hesitant. Fasting, he says, can work wonders in softening hearts and leading people back to Christ 🍞💧.

Feeling stuck in sin? Run to the confessional! Jesus is waiting to lift you up. 🙌

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.