Prayers to Stitch Hearts (Top Episode of 2024 for Family Rosary Across America)

In this touching episode of Family Rosary Across America, Fr. Rocky and Maggie are leading us in prayer with a special intention: Maggie’s upcoming baby! 👶✨ We pray for a safe delivery!

📞 Callers from All Over:

Sandy from Wisconsin calls to pray for her friend Margie, who lost her husband of 65 years. 💔 She also asks for prayers for Justin’s teaching exam, safe travels for her child, the success of the National Eucharistic Congress, and blessings for Relevant Radio. Fr. Rocky praises her for her shopping skills in packing so many intentions into one call! 🛒 That takes skill!

Tristan from Florida tugs at our hearts, asking for his parents’ hearts to be stitched back together. 💞

Seven-year-old Aurora from Arizona prays for her Papa David, her uncle, the souls in purgatory, and her family dealing with a tough move. 🏠💪

It’s amazing to see how everyone from different parts of the country comes together in faith and prayer. 🌟

📢 Tune in to hear more heartfelt prayers and join the Family Rosary Across America with Fr. Rocky and Maggie. Let’s keep the prayers flowing and the faith growing! 🙏💙

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.