A Priest, A Promise, and a Saint Who Shows Up (The Inner Life with Patrick Conley)

Did St. Thomas Aquinas Just Say Hello?

Ever think a saint might just pop out of his tomb to say hi? Well, according to Fr. Joseph Johnson, that’s exactly what happened when he led a pilgrimage to the resting place of St. Thomas Aquinas. Honestly, it’s kind of the most Aquinas thing ever. ✝️

Listen to the whole episode on St. Thomas Aquinas!

Fr. Joseph had made a personal vow to celebrate Mass at the tomb of St. Thomas Aquinas, partly because he grew up in a parish dedicated to the great saint and also studied at the Angelicum in Rome (St. Thomas University). Years passed, he became a priest, and then finally: boom! He was leading a pilgrimage through France, and he made sure to include a stop in Toulouse, where St. Thomas’s remains rest… in what is now a museum.

Despite the logistical hurdles (and some serious skepticism), everything just fell into place. Permissions were granted almost too easily. So easily, in fact, that Fr. Joseph fully expected to show up and be told, “Oops, sorry, not happening.” Instead, when he opened the church doors: candles were already lit on the altar. Mass was a go. 🙌

But that wasn’t even the best part.

Then… the Saint Showed Up (Kind Of)

After Mass, a Dominican friar strolled in, casually mentioned that he and Fr. Joseph had mutual friends in Rome, and then: no big deal… pulled out a giant skeleton key. He opened the grate beneath the altar and lifted out the reliquary containing St. Thomas Aquinas’s relics.

Someone later joked to Fr. Joseph, “You went to see St. Thomas, and St. Thomas decided to come out and say hello.” 😳💀

Why This Matters (Beyond the Wow Factor)

This whole experience was a reminder that the saints aren’t just distant historical figures. They love us. They care about our lives. They intercede for us. Sometimes, they even show up in the most unexpected ways.

We often hear stories of St. Thérèse sending roses to those who ask for her prayers. Well, maybe St. Thomas’s way of saying “I’m here for you” was to let Fr. Joseph literally see his relics: something that had only happened a handful of times in centuries.

So, What Do We Do With This?

Remember, the saints are real people. They struggled. They triumphed, and they want to help us do the same.

Ask for their intercession. St. Thomas Aquinas, for example, fought and won battles for purity, so he’s a great saint to call on when facing temptation.

Enjoy their friendship. Saints aren’t just there for emergencies. They want to walk with us in the everyday stuff of life.

So next time you need a little heavenly help, don’t hesitate to reach out. Who knows? Maybe a saint will say hello to you, too. 😉🔥

What do you think: have you ever had a “saintly surprise” moment?



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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.