Gold, Frankincense, and… New Year’s Resolutions?! (Trending with Timmerie)

On the Epiphany edition of Trending, Timmerie and Fr. Tim Grumbach talk about the Three Wise Men and their epic journey following the star to baby Jesus. 🌟👑

Here’s the gist:

🎁 The Magi Were Saints?!

Timmerie’s 4-year-old daughter is obsessed with the Three Wise Men (like, all-year-round-can’t-let-go-of-the-book obsessed). Turns out, the Magi are actually saints in Church tradition! And guess what? They weren’t just handing out random gifts: each one had a deep spiritual meaning:

Gold = Jesus as King

Frankincense = Jesus as God ✨

Myrrh = Jesus as the Sacrificial Lamb 🩸

(Yeah, myrrh is a burial spice. Talk about foreshadowing. 😳)

🌍 The Magi Were Outsiders!

Fr. Tim reminds us that the Magi weren’t Jewish: they were Gentiles who traveled from afar, symbolizing that Jesus came for all people, not just Israel. Epic, right?

The Real Gift? The Magi Themselves!

Fr. Tim explains: beyond the fancy gifts, the greatest gift the Magi gave was themselves. They showed up, bowed down, and offered their hearts.

💡 Epiphany Used to Be Christmas?

Fun fact! 🎉 For the first few centuries, Christmas and Epiphany were celebrated together with Christ’s birth, the visit of the Magi, His baptism, and the Wedding at Cana: all rolled into one mega-feast!

🌠 Chasing Stars & New Year’s Resolutions

Father gives us with a New Year’s pep talk:

The Wise Men followed a star: it seemed crazy but led them to Jesus. ⭐

Our resolutions? Think of them like the Magi’s gifts: offering sacrifices to Christ, no matter how small.

Giving up sweets? Skipping Netflix? 🍿 Offer that little sacrifice to Jesus as your personal gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

🗓️ Takeaway?

🎯 Chase Jesus like the Magi. Give Him your best. Even if it’s just the last piece of chocolate you really wanted. 🍫

Happy Epiphany, Merry Christmas, and a Blessed New Year!

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.