The Patrick Madrid Show: January 29, 2025 – Hour 2

Patrick explores ethical and theological perspectives on the death penalty, discusses the complexities surrounding immigration laws and historical insights, and even touches on personal struggles with addiction, offering compassionate and faith-based advice.

  • Emma – The death penalty in the Bible is justified. (0:42)
  • Jason – Immigration should be easy if you are not a criminal. (13:06)
  • Audio: Raymond Ibrahim – At no time in history has a nation opened its borders to a known hostile people. This is not Islamophobia. (20:17)
  • Lourdes – Can the church choir sing exit songs from mass while the Holy Eucharist is exposed? (26:12)
  • Tom – Taking guns away: bad things happen when societies take weapons/guns away. We need to fight for the right to have weapons. (29:21)
  • Arie – Marijuana addiction: my husband refuses to see this as an issue. (39:43)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.