The Patrick Madrid Show: February 03, 2025 – Hour 1

Patrick receives an interesting call from Joe, inquiring about the Catholic Church’s teachings on health and self-care. Patrick addresses this by pointing to the Catechism, highlighting that life and physical health are treasures that should be cared for responsibly.

  • Debbie (email) – Telling someone they are possibly immoral or committing a sin for refusing a NG Tube or G Tube for a family member is over the top (04:26)
  • Jeanette – How does mortal sin differ from any other sin in terms of ‘I know it is a sin’? (14:22)
  • Liam – What does Catholicism teach about taking care of your health? (19:27)
  • Todd – I am inspired by the groundhog story. I am really stoked to listen to Relevant radio. (28:01)
  • E-Frank – Is Ash Wednesday mandatory and is it okay not to receive the ashes? (30:15)
  • Email – A priest performed a sacramental benefit for our child, but now we can’t find that priest (34:12)
  • Aaron – Is it a mortal sin to unknowingly slander someone? (42:29)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.