Day 44: Queen of Prophets, Pray for Us!


Do you remember that day when Jesus led Peter, James, and John up a high mountain, and when they reached the top Jesus was suddenly transfigured into a shining and glorious vision flanked by the great prophets Moses and Elijah? Peter was stunned by the majesty and glory of the moment – it was a sneak preview of the Beatific vision – and he didn’t know what to say except “Let’s build three booths: one for you, and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

He just wanted to freeze that moment for all eternity. And that’s what heaven will be like: “Let’s stay like this forever.” Now imagine Mary, the Queen of the Prophets, reigning over Moses, Ezekiel, David, Isaiah – the four prophets who signaled the virgin birth and are represented at the base of the monument to the Immaculate Conception in Rome. What a vision that will be!

Queen of prophets, pray for the Church and the nation.

On Wednesdays we pray the Glorious Mysteries.


Be sure to join us this evening at 7:00 pm CT for the Family Rosary Across America® on your local Relevant Radio station and the Relevant Radio App.

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Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.