10/15/24 6am CT Hour – Elizabeth Busby/ Brian Gibson
- John, Glen and Sarah chat about the passing of John’s mother, the latest with 2024 election, MLB playoffs.
- Elizabeth shares how to talk with teens about dating and to remind them that if you are not ready for marriage, you are not ready to seriously date another.
- https://www.amazon.com/Hold-Your-Kids-Parents-Matter/dp/0375760288/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3888QX9P8RRWK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JfxobXWWIs21RVo3-l80w2yxbZ8KPZit8uT84KXrE3hC9AkPNDxgz2LcVvxK4F9l9YqVNYnrxyUyT-MNSS-RR3_sooti0xyhuMbrk57IV0TsRttGb_Rk0HuMfZMY3-Ddg53ZIORPdGQu8C9hSL0xoyNcrokfEAJEJlzfBnUfUrSvqMn5EpKdWpcG8vSKZ0n628sOECao9SVbTVMXi_NYRHQ3JWHsvH4SOypdCSQQjPI.JWoOkzOeKHbuTVBJi9VXk8W7ladCDDd3JgGTYcU9nf0&dib_tag=se&keywords=hold+on+to+your+kids&qid=1728999596&sprefix=hold+on+to+your+kids%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-1
- Brian talks about how we can talk with those who have lost an infant or miscarried and how to honor those children even hen and especially when they have passed due to abortion.
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