What Does St. Pope John Paul II Have to Say About What You Can and Can’t Do on Sunday? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

Do you often get confused about what’s meant by “Sunday rest?” Are you truly honoring the Sabbath?

Patrick Madrid explored Dies Domini, St. John Paul II’s letter that’s all about Sundays, and it’s not about hitting snooze on life and binge-watching Netflix. Sundays are sacred! 🌟 There are some things you can do on Sundays and others… not so much. Here’s what Patrick shared: Catch the whole hour of conversation here.

Mass is Non-Negotiable 🙏 First things first: Go to Mass! That’s the cornerstone of keeping Sunday holy. While you don’t have to receive Communion every time, you still gotta show up if you can. No excuses, unless you’re sick or, like, delivering a baby in the ER.

Rest (But Make It Holy) 😌 St. John Paul II says Sunday should be a day of rest. You can do things that rejuvenate you: think picnics with the fam, long walks, and reading Scripture. Rest and reconnect with God.

Acts of Charity = Sunday Gold Star 🌟 Helping out at a soup kitchen? That’s a win. Doing nice things for others isn’t “work” in the bad sense; it’s love in action. So, while mowing the lawn is a no-go, handing out food to the needy is definitely on the Sunday-approved list.

No Unnecessary Work 🚫 Doing your taxes or tackling those leaves in the yard: not allowed on Sundays. This includes unnecessary commercial activities too. St. Pope JP2 wasn’t about running errands or treating Sunday like any other day.

Super Bowl vs. Sacred Rest 🏈 Now, what about the Super Bowl? Patrick says, you can probably go ahead and enjoy it, but only if you’ve already gone to Mass. Balance fun with faith; don’t let entertainment take over your sacred Sunday time.

Family Time Wins Sundays are prime for family bonding: whether that’s a BBQ or a prayer circle. Keep it together and avoid isolating yourself. Patrick reminds us: Sunday is a family day, but that can also mean your parish family, neighbors, or visiting someone in need.

Evangelize with Your Life 🌍 Keeping your Sunday holy is a witness to the world. People will see that you’re prioritizing your faith, and boom: you’re evangelizing without even saying a word!

So, to wrap it up: Sundays are a spiritual reset button. Mass, rest, family, and mercy are the ingredients for a truly holy day.  😎

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.