Dignity of Work
When we consider the beginning chapters of Genesis, most of us think of the creation stories, the fall, and banishment from the Garden, but how many of us consider a call to work? Yet, in the second chapter of Genesis, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to... Continue reading→
Identifying and Eliminating Greed
Most of us would like to think that we’re pretty generous people when it comes to sharing our possessions. If we were asked to explain our generosity, maybe we would say we spend time at a shelter or a nursing home. Or maybe if we’re unable to give time, we offer financial support to others... Continue reading→
How do I stop gossiping?
Recently on The Patrick Madrid Show, listener Jasmine wrote into the show to ask Patrick about gossip and how to stop doing it: Hi Patrick, I have a major question to ask you. I have a problem with gossiping too much and I don’t have self-control. I know it’s a major sin and I don’t... Continue reading→
Praying for Your Enemies
Imagine you’re driving home from work. It was a long day. You’re tired, hot, and just focused on getting home as quickly as possible. Suddenly, a reckless driver comes flying out of nowhere and sideswipes you as they weave in and out of your lane at high speeds. You angrily pull over to assess the... Continue reading→
The Liturgy Reveals the Trinity
As humans – with a spiritual soul and a physical body – we can only relate to others through a physical body. We express all our thoughts, desires, intentions, and love through matter, whether by physical touch, physical sounds in speech, writing with ink and paper, or by electronic communication. Even our knowledge and communication...
The Deceiving Road to Hell
Recently on The Patrick Madrid Show, Patrick shared a passage from one of St. John Bosco’s documented dreams called The Road to Hell. In it, St. John describes in detail the journey from a state of grace and purity ultimately to a state of damnation and entrance into hell. In his dream, St. John describes... Continue reading→
St. Ignatius & Mastering Detachment
Josh Raymond began a segment on The Inner Life by recalling a game he used to play at recess with his friends in elementary school: marbles. If you aren’t familiar with the game, it essentially boils down to each player using their marbles to hit their opponent’s marbles out of a chalk circle or into... Continue reading→
Accompanying Others in Life’s Journey
Have you ever accompanied somebody on a trip somewhere where you weren’t expressly required or recommended, just to provide a positive presence? Or maybe you’ve been on the other side where a loved one has joined you on a mission to do something that they can’t help with, but you were just thankful that they... Continue reading→
Paula Umaña: Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering
Paula Umaña grew up in a family of seven in Costa Rica. From a very young age, she had an affinity for the game of tennis. By the time she was a teenager, she was the national champion in Costa Rica. Her brother, who had moved to the United States, asked her if she would... Continue reading→
Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus
Thanks to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, vampires solidified themselves as an iconic archetype in fantasy and fiction, even to this day. From the bevy of movies about Dracula to the Hotel Transylvania series to the Marvel anti-hero Morbius, vampires are present in many levels of entertainment. But while most people are familiar with the stereotypes regarding... Continue reading→
Utilizing Our God-Given Charisms
“My mama always said, life was like a box o’ chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Most of us know this famous quote from the titular character in the movie Forrest Gump. While the movie came out in 1994 and the book came out in 1986, it still holds relevance today. Most interpret... Continue reading→