St. Maximilian Kolbe and Prisoner 5659
In Auschwitz, he was just another prisoner, Prisoner 5659 to be exact. Before his capture, he was a sergeant in the Polish army who fought at Wieluń, Warsaw, and Modlin against the Nazis. Before that, he was a husband and the father of two sons. And before that, he was Franciszek Gajowniczek, a Roman Catholic... Continue reading→
A Spiritual Charcuterie
Oh, charcuterie. A delicious platter covered with meats, cheeses, crackers, fruits, olives, and more. It’s the perfect appetizer to share with friends. And the beauty is that you can try bites of lots of different things. Who needs a plate with a single entrée when you can have a whole plate of bite-sized snacks? The... Continue reading→
American Eucharistic Witnesses: A Priest for the Body of Christ—Venerable Augustus Tolton
The American Eucharistic Witnesses series is published in the Heart of the Revival newsletter and republished by Relevant Radio. It highlights the holy men and women who lived, loved, and served on the very soil upon which we now stand. They all testify—in unique and powerful ways—to what it means to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist and go on... Continue reading→
Forgive as God Has Forgiven You
“Luke 23:33-34 recounts, ‘When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him and the criminals there, one on his right, the other on his left. Then Jesus said, [Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.]’ At the very moment of His body being tortured to the utmost extremity, Jesus... Continue reading→
Finding Consolation Amid Desolation
Amidst the crises and struggles of everyday life and the issues of the world that get so many people down, many people, whether they know it or not, search for answers. Nobody wants anxiety and depression, and everybody wants peace and happiness. But instead of finding those answers in prayer or an active spiritual... Continue reading→
American Eucharistic Witnesses: Saint of America, Saint of the Eucharist—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
The American Eucharistic Witnesses series is published in the Heart of the Revival newsletter and republished by Relevant Radio. It highlights the holy men and women who lived, loved, and served on the very soil upon which we now stand. They all testify—in unique and powerful ways—to what it means to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist and go on... Continue reading→
The Need for a Smart, Beautiful, and Vibrant Catholicism
“We’ve dumbed down the Faith for way too long. My generation got a dumbed-down Catholicism and it’s been a pastoral disaster… We dumbed down the Faith in order to make it relevant and we undermined ourselves. It’s a smart, beautiful, vibrant Catholicism that people find compelling.” That was Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of... Continue reading→
A founder for “The Saints”: Josemaría Escrivá
This week on “The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage”, we move from an actor and martyr to a writer and founder: Josemaría Escrivá! Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y Albás was born in 1902, the second of six in his Spanish family. He had first felt a calling to something great after seeing a monk... Continue reading→
American Eucharistic Witnesses: Servant of God Julia Greeley, the Eucharistic Angel of Denver
The American Eucharistic Witnesses series is published in the Heart of the Revival newsletter and republished by Relevant Radio. It highlights the holy men and women who lived, loved, and served on the very soil upon which we now stand. They all testify—in unique and powerful ways—to what it means to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist and go on... Continue reading→
American Eucharistic Witnesses: The Venerable Fulton Sheen and the Most Holy Eucharist
The American Eucharistic Witnesses series is published in the Heart of the Revival newsletter and republished by Relevant Radio. It highlights the holy men and women who lived, loved, and served on the very soil upon which we now stand. They all testify—in unique and powerful ways—to what it means to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist and go on... Continue reading→
Love Excuses and Presumes Goodwill
Blessed are the Merciful… and Peacemakers. How can you make peace in the world (or in the family, workplace, nation, etc.) if we are not merciful, especially if we hold on to resentments and hurts? As St. Paul reminds us, in his Canticle of Love, that love “is not irritable or resentful” (1 Corinthians 13:5).... Continue reading→
The Joy of Evangelization
Christ is risen! Isn’t that wonderful news? As old as that news may be, that doesn’t diminish just how ground-breaking and earth-shattering it is. Christ has conquered sin and redeemed the whole world through his resurrection from death. No wonder Easter is such a big celebration in the Church. The resurrection is the greatest news... Continue reading→


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