Christ the King Chapel Solemn Vespers: An Address from Dr. Timothy O’Donnell

The following are remarks delivered by the President of Christendom College, Dr. Timothy O’Donnell, at the Solemn Vespers led by Cardinal Arinze as part of the dedication of Christendom’s new Christ the King Chapel | April 14, 2023 Good evening, everyone. A letter to read to you from Vatican City, May 19th, 2022. “Dear Dr.... Continue reading

20 Years of Bringing Christ to the World: Morning Air

You read that correctly. Tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of the longest-running network show on Relevant Radio, Morning Air. Through these past two decades, the show has gone through many changes and transformations. Currently hosted by John Morales, the show was previously hosted by Jeff Cavins, Sean Herriott, and John Harper, the latter of whom... Continue reading

Avoiding the Number One Relationship Killer

According to researcher Matt Schnuck and psychologist Dr. John Gottman, this indicator predicts divorce between married couples with 91% accuracy. It ends marriages, engagements, friendships, and business relationships. It can’t be held or seen or touched, but it can absolutely be felt. What is this x-factor that is leading to so many relationships falling apart? Cale... Continue reading

Pope Francis Invites Us to Renew the Consecration of the World to Our Lady

On February 24th, 2022, Russian troops invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in what was a blatant act of escalation in the war that has been raging between the two countries since 2014. As the world watched, Russian forces launched attack after attack on major Ukrainian cities, killing tens of thousands in the process. Millions... Continue reading


Honoring Our Merciful Father - We honor our parents not because they give us what… ...


“The Saints” presents Saint Genesius – an actor! - Once upon a time in Rome, a comedian starred in… ...

Faith & Spirituality

A founder for “The Saints”: Josemaría Escrivá - This week on “The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage”,… ...

Family & Kids

A founder for “The Saints”: Josemaría Escrivá - This week on “The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage”,… ...