Go The Distance:

A Bold Step in Faith

Together, we are succeeding in this great mission!

Bringing Christ to the World through the Media.

Recently Added Stations

Our Goal: To be in All Top 100 Catholic Markets

Imagine the life-changing impact for millions of souls if Relevant Radio was on every radio dial in all 100 Top Markets across the United States.

Our Most Urgent Pursuit is for the Salvation of Souls

"You have changed me, I have returned to my faith. God does work in mysterious ways. I used to only listen to FM radio and one day my radio was tuned to AM and to Relevant Radio. As I went to change to FM, the Memorare prayer stopped me; the rest is history!"

– Marisela, Redwood City, California

Thank you for your continued generous support!

Garyn Coulson

SVP of Revenue and Advancement

Kathleen McNab

Kathleen McNab

Sr. Director of Development - West

Rev. Francis "Fr. Rocky" Hoffman

Chairman & CEO