A Closer LookTM with Sheila Liaugminas, heard daily across the Relevant Radio® network, is now featuring a new series on mental health-related issues with medical expert Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Medical Ethics Program at UC Irvine School of Medicine, and the author of “The Catholic Guide to Depression”. With a topic that hits close to home for millions of Americans, the series has garnered a great deal of positive engagement and feedback from listeners.
“The response to this has been amazing, driven we believe by the Holy Spirit. A deacon in a nearby parish to Dr. Kheriaty’s community in California worked some of our conversation material into his homilies. When a teen boy in that community took his life recently, the deacon sent Dr. Kheriaty the school principal’s letter to the community, and we addressed some of it on the show,” said Liaugminas.
Kheriaty and Liaugminas have tackled many timely and difficult topics, including the depression and suicide epidemic among teens, fatherlessness, the role mental illness plays in school shootings, and the social stigma associated with mental health issues.
“People are calling and writing to engage those and related issues. After the Florida school shooting, we barely had the time to touch on the important topic of fatherlessness in the lives of most of these shooters committing mass violence. However, Dr. Kheriaty received two separate, long letters from a man in prison who listens to us, and followed up with him about the impact of fatherlessness in violent young men,” explained Liaugminas.
The series has been a gift to many listeners who need support for their own struggles or in helping those they love. Liaugminas said, “Dr. Kheriaty and I have shared our sense that these conversations are really responding to the needs of so many listeners, and we’re thankful to God for the air waves and the people who call and participate.”
Tune in to A Closer Look with Sheila Liaugminas coast-to-coast each weekday at 6pm ET/3pm PT to hear more from regular contributor Dr. Aaron Kheriaty. If you missed any previous segments in the series, listen to the podcasts anytime on the Relevant Radio website or app.