The Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, passed away on Saturday, November 24. Bishop Morlino served Relevant Radio® as a member of the Episcopal Advisory Committee and was recipient of the Relevant Radio Madison Christ Brings Hope Award in 2015. His funeral and burial will take place today, December 4, 2018.

Bishop Morlino was a friend and supporter of the Relevant Radio mission. “He was the bishop of Helena, Montana, and under his influence we’ve got two affiliate stations out there … in Helena and in Bozeman. And then when he came to Madison, he was instrumental in getting our station on air—we’ve got an AM station and a FM station there. We’ll miss him and he was just a wonderful human being: very charitable, very affectionate, very generous, very clear ideas, courageous in his teaching. Love for the liturgy, love for Our Lady, special love for St. John Paul II and St. Mother Teresa, as well,” said Father Rocky today on Morning Air®.
Bishop Morlino was appointed Bishop of Madison by St. John Paul II. “He saw in [Bishop Morlino] a man of fortitude, he saw in him a man, like himself, who had the courage and strength to stand up against evil and fight for the truth and goodness for Christ and His Church. He saw sanctity and virtue and proving how prophetic John Paul was, he was absolutely right with Bishop Morlino,” said John Meyer of the Napa Institute in an interview on A Closer LookTM.
Mitch called into The Patrick Madrid Show from Wisconsin to share his sadness at the passing of Bishop Morlino. “I’ve been trying not to cry—he’s just a real big spiritual father in my life and I feel like I’d be doing him an injustice if I didn’t ask people to pray for him. … He was a very good man but he needs our prayers, and I know me and my family are going to be praying for him.”
“I’m glad you raised that issue because it’s easy for us to think, ‘oh so-and-so died isn’t that terrible’, and then we forget to pray for that person. So your reminder that we should fast and pray for the repose of his soul, even by all appearances, I mean there’s nothing to indicate anything other than a great and virtuous man. That’s always how he appeared to me; a courageous man, for that matter, but still in need of our prayers,” agreed Patrick Madrid.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen!
For more about the life and legacy of Bishop Robert Morlino, listen to an interview with Bishop Morlino himself and special guests who knew him well, featured on A Closer Look: