
  • Hour 1 of 4-9-21
  • Drew tells you about the top stories of the day, including a concerning piece of news related to your social media accounts. Your data could be shared online with you realizing it! Find out what you need to know to keep your information safe. Also, Drew updates you on some car warranty robocalls that you might have already gotten. Get some info on how to get these blocked.
  • The border is being flooded with people trying to come in. This is concerning as drug cartels and other violent people are causing harm. Minors are being dropped off over the border and the immigration centers are being filled to the max, causing unsafe living situations. What’s the solution to all of this? How should we as Catholics respond? Hear from Kevin Appleby.
  • There’s a new Divine Mercy book for children! Your kids need to know about Jesus’ love, forgiveness, and mercy. Fr. Stephen Lesniewski is on to talk about this new book and the important message of Divine Mercy.
Drew Mariani is an award-winning journalist, writer and broadcaster. He currently hosts The Drew Mariani Show™ reaching a potential audience of 220 million people. His 3-hour daily program offers a unique insight on the most important issues of the day and a platform for dialogue with listeners and newsmakers.