The Patrick Madrid Show: May 27, 2021 – Hour 1

  • Cheese-loving drug dealer nabbed after posting picture, exposing his fingerprints
  • Elsa – When I pray the rosary, should I be praying to God, Jesus or Mary?
  • Australia’s Victoria state to enter COVID-19 lockdown after fresh outbreak
  • Don – Where are we in the process of Fulton Sheen’s beatification?
  • Laura – It baffles me when I hear that Jesus was in the desert and tempted. How do we know this story if he was the only person out there?
  • Perry – Why do people have trouble with Transubstantiation but believe in the miracle at Cana?
  • John – Is the Church of England and Whales an off shoot of the Catholic Church
  • David – Follow up question about your commentary on orthodoxy.
  • Nathaniel – If someone is in mortal sin but has the intent to go to confession and dies as a martyr for the faith, what happens to your soul?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.