The Patrick Madrid Show: February 23, 2022 – Hour 3

  • Ruben – Seeking advice on how to talk to his brother who has a couple weeks to live and doesn’t want a priest
  • Alejandro – Is it wrong to highlight one person of the Trinity?
  • Sex-Ed camp in Austin is cancelled due to social media backlash
  • Carlo – Can you explain the scripture passage “Sabbath was made for man?”
  • If we changed the day of the Sabbath, is change possible for teachings on homosexuality?
  • Can a marriage be “Blessed?”
  • Linda – Daughter was married, left abusive husband can’t get an annulment since she doesn’t want him to see the reasons she gave for the annulment
  • Take your Lent to the next level with Father Rocky’s Lenten Lessons on the Mass at
  • Pat – Has another book suggestion on hell by St. Robert Bellermine, “Hell and Its Torments”
  • Todd – How specific do you need to be when going to confession?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.