There are three places in the world I believe every person, if possible, should experience.
One, the concentration camps of Adolf Hitler. I know it may sound macabre, but it is a life-changing experience. I’ll never forget walking through the death camp of Auschwitz with my wife, Cathy. She was so deeply moved she couldn’t stop crying. It was a place of unimaginable darkness and a sobering reality of what sin, evil and the lack of respect for the dignity of fellow human beings can breed.
Second, the plains of the Serengeti and the jungles of Africa. I had the great privilege of being on safari as well as observing the few remaining silverback gorillas in the world. It’s an awesome and humbling experience to witness God’s creation in nature and the majesty of his hand.
Finally, and most importantly… the Holy Land. This is the place of the Incarnation, where God became man. It’s the land of saints, prophets, and of miracles. It was here that Christ walked, healed, taught, and conquered death. There’s no holier place on the planet. The very soil has been soaked with the precious blood of our Savior.
I’m telling you; you must experience it! So, I’d like to personally invite you to join me and my wife, Cathy, on a journey that will change your life. You’ll encounter places and learn history that will make the scriptures come alive and trust me, you’ll never look at them the same again.
Imagine traveling to Bethlehem, to the birthplace of Christ. Take a boat ride on the sea of Galilee, where you’ll celebrate Mass where Christ walked on water and calmed the storm. Climb Mount Tabor, the site of the transfiguration. Pray for your marriage and for those having trouble at Cana, home of the wedding feast, where Christ worked his first public miracle.
Most importantly, relive the passion of our Lord taking a spiritual journey from the Upper Room to the Garden of Gethsemane. Make your way down the way of the cross to Calvary where Christ died for love of you. This is an extraordinary place to pray for the conversion of your loved ones, or for the liberation from addiction, as well as experience the deep inner healing and forgiveness the Lord wants to give to you.
I truly hope you will pray and discern joining Cathy and me. We’d love to “pray” and “play” with you on this pilgrimage of a lifetime. I can’t tell you how many new and lasting friendships we’ve made with those who’ve traveled with us. In a beautiful sense, we become family. Seats are limited on this trip. I really hope you’ll be able to come. For more information just click here.
If for some reason you can’t attend, please send me your prayer intentions and I will pray for you along the way. I promise. May Our Lord’s tender mercy bless and protect you.