Are You Ready to Answer the Call?

Ring, ring… it’s God calling!

Wouldn’t it be so simple if God called you up today and let you know exactly what He wanted you to do? It would take all the guesswork out of discerning His will for your life. But, even if He made it that easy, would you have the strength and obedience to follow His instructions?

It makes me wonder. I like to think that if God showed up and asked me face-to-face to do something, that I would immediately follow through. But how many other times has He commanded something of me and I have failed? Or made excuses? Or convinced myself that it wasn’t really that important? Or that it wasn’t really God’s will? Yes, obedience is harder than we care to admit.

But it’s important to remember that God usually speaks to us in much less direct ways. We might become inspired by something we encounter, or find a quiet stirring in our hearts during prayer. Maybe our Creator speaks to us through someone else or in a situation that demands our attention or action.

Are you ready to listen? Are you ready to answer?

So much of our days are filled with noise and distraction. It can be difficult to quiet our atmosphere and our mind but that’s exactly what is necessary to really hear the call that God is placing on our hearts. These movements of the Holy Spirit often require us to be thoughtful and take the time to look around and notice the little things.

After all, God did not speak to Elijah in the strong and violent wind, or earthquake, or fire. God spoke to Elijah in a “light silent sound” (1 Kings 19:12-13).

So when we feel a tug on our hearts to stop and help someone, let’s not push that aside. When we feel a push to do something outside our comfort zone, let’s pray about it rather than ignoring it. And when God’s children cry out for help, let’s answer their pleas.

When you start paying closer attention, you might be surprised by the ways that you are being called each day to give, sacrifice, act, and love.

Answer the Call, today!

Today we kick off our Answer the Call Summer Pledge Drive! We’re asking you to support the Relevant Radio mission by giving generously and praying generously.

Today only, when you make a $240 gift to Relevant Radio, you will receive an exclusive Relevant Radio tote bag as our thank you. This zippered blue and black tote bag will hold all the essentials for your bible study, retreat, or makes a great Mass bag for parents of young children.

If you give to Relevant Radio at the $240 level TODAY ONLY, you will receive this Relevant Radio Tote Bag! Don’t miss your chance to Answer the Call!

Give now!

Lindsey is a wife, mother, and contributing author at Relevant Radio. She holds a degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lindsey enjoys writing, baking, and liturgical living with her young family.