Original Innocence – Theology of the Body Part 4

Understand the grace of original innocence and the continued call to holiness through the spousal meaning of the body.  What does Pope Saint John Paul II say about discovering your masculinity or femininity?  Theology of the Body series on Trending with Timmerie.  


Timmerie unpacks Pope Saint John Paul II’s Catechetical talks 16-19.  


 Resources mentioned :  

Read the Book and follow along: Theology of the Body by Pope Saint John Paul II


 Episode 1 – In the Beginning 


Episode 2  – Original Solitude 


Episode 3 – Original Unity


Episode 4 – The Spousal Meaning of the Body 




Title: The Spousal Meaning of the Body – Theology of the Body Part 4 


Unpack the spousal meaning of the body, original nakedness, the hermeneutic of gift, and the gift of self in Pope Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body on Trending with Timmerie.  


Timmerie unpacks Pope Saint John Paul II’s Catechetical talks 11-15.  


 Resources mentioned :  

Read the Book and follow along: Theology of the Body by Pope Saint John Paul II


 Episode 1 – In the Beginning 


Episode 2  – Original Solitude 


Episode 3 – Original Unity


Title: Original Unity – Theology of the Body Part 3 


Timmerie dives into the complementary of male and female and what Pope Saint John Paul II calls “original unity” when Eve is created from Adam. 

Timmerie unpacks Pope Saint John Paul II’s Catechetical talks 8-10.  

 Resources mentioned :  

Read the Book and follow along: Theology of the Body by Pope Saint John Paul II


 Episode 1 in TOB series


Episode 2 in TOB series



Title: “Original Solitude” JP II’s Theology of the Body (part 2)

Timmerie dives into what it means for Adam to be created in a state of “original solitude” before the creation of Eve.  Gen 2:18 “It is not good that man should be alone; I want to make him a help similar to himself.”


Timmerie unpacks Pope Saint John Paul II’s Catechetical talks 5-7.  


Resources mentioned : 


Read the Book and follow along: Theology of the Body by Pope Saint John Paul II



Episode 1 in TOB series


Title: Theology of the Body “In The Beginning” 

Timmerie launches a series unpacking Pope Saint John Paul II’s Catechesis known as Theology of the Body (TOB). She introduces what TOB is, the context of the time it was given, how prophetic it was for the time we now live in.  She walks through the first 4 of the 133 talks discovering the anthropology of the human person, what Jesus means by “In the beginning”, male and female, the original state of human innocence, our fallen nature, and the redemptive dimension of the body.  


Resources mentioned : 


Book: Theology of the Body by Pope Saint John Paul II


Timmerie works as a radio host and Catholic speaker educating in areas of theology and is an expert at responding to current trends of sexuality, feminism, and gender ideology. She hosts Trending with Timmerie on Relevant Radio. She holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Theology and Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Media with an emphasis in the New Evangelization from John Paul the Great Catholic University.