Why Getting Married in the Church Matters (The Patrick Madrid Show)

If your child has refused to get married in the Church, it may hurt you deeply. You may be concerned about your child for not doing what the Church requires. But why is getting married in the Church something that Catholics do care so much about?

In this podcast episode, Patrick Madrid responds to a listener named Andrea, who questions his consistent response to this issue. Andrea shares her personal experience of going through marriage preparation, which deepened her understanding of faith and marriage. Patrick acknowledges that for some, a church wedding holds significant meaning beyond making your parents happy and content. He gives you the historical background, explaining how the Catholic Church introduced the requirement of a church wedding with clergy witnesses to prevent people from getting hurt, especially women.

Patrick argues that even if someone has strayed from their faith, their Catholic background brings certain obligations, drawing parallels with a US citizen’s duty to pay taxes while abroad. Patrick defends the church’s stance on church weddings as an invitation back to faith and practice, particularly in a time when some don’t take this seriously.

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.