The Secret to Happiness

What’s the secret to happiness? This seems to be the million-dollar question, although most of us don’t have one million dollars to try and buy it or figure it out. Nonetheless, it is a question our society seems to have tried to solve and find the answer to in so many different ways. There are countless books, articles by psychiatrists and psychologists, Harvard studies, TED talks and headline features in TIME and Forbes and the list goes on.

The false notion of happiness leads us to perhaps think that it is not achievable until we have a bigger house, new car, dream vacation, or climb the corporate ladder. The reality is we all want happiness in our jobs, our marriages, and our family life, but sometimes it can lead us on a path to discontentment. Our own will and desires begin to cloud our focus on God, making it difficult to be grateful for the gifts and blessings in front of us. In the quest for happiness, it can easily become a cycle of seeking material goods, looking to gain fame and wealth, and avoiding pain and hardship at all costs.

I was first introduced to St. Therese of Lisieux during my college years. Every other girl seemed to be praying a novena to her asking for a shower of roses from heaven as their sign of who to date, what to major in, or what mission trip to go on. As I read more of the life of St. Therese I learned of the immense suffering and cross this young soul carried. Losing her mother when she was only four years old, her battle with tuberculosis, and being denied multiple times her heart’s desire since the age of nine to enter the Carmelite Order all of which caused grief and heartache in St. Therese’s life.

Even amidst her sorrows, St. Therese’s life was filled with joy, peace, and happiness. Her “Little Way” of doing every act, no matter how simple or small, with great and profound love of Jesus was the secret to her joy. Dying at the tender age of 24, she promised to shower roses from heaven. Within months there were reports of favors and graces attributed to St. Therese. She was canonized in 1925 and later named a Doctor of the Church by St. Pope John Paul II.

You can learn more about the key to happiness from the one who found it in joyful abundance by reading I Believe in Love: A personal retreat based on the teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux available during this Relevant Radio pledge drive. This book has long been loved by Catholics as it takes the teaching of St. Therese and puts it into a set of easy-to-read meditations. Perfect as a personal retreat or when you only have a few minutes to spare each day.

On Wednesday only, in addition to receiving I Believe in Love by Fr. Jean C. J. d’Elbée, you will also receive a St. Therese of Lisieux one-decade rosary with a case. This rosary comes with rose-scented wood beads, a St. Therese centerpiece, and a traditionally styled crucifix packaged in a flower-shaped box. A perfect way to stay connected to God in prayer throughout the day.

By the world’s judgment, it may look like St. Therese lived a miserable life, but the truth is she knew the secret to happiness. Through gratitude, surrender to God’s holy will, and profound love she lived in the joy of Christ.

“If weak and imperfect souls like mine felt what I feel, none would despair of reaching the summit of the Mountain of Love, since Jesus does not ask for great deeds, but only for gratitude and self-surrender.“
– St. Therese of Lisieux


I Believe in Love Book

Fr. Jean C. J. d’Elbée brings a passionate, profound distillation of St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s work for your daily meditation. Contemplate her insights on God’s love and our response to grow in focus on the Father each day, rest in Him, and live joyfully with Him at every moment!

St. Thérèse of Lisieux Rose-Scented One-Decade Rosary with Case

This dainty one-decade rosary comes with rose-scented wood beads, a St. Therese centerpiece, and a traditionally styled crucifix. Each piece comes beautifully packaged in a flower-shaped box with a devotional image.

If you give to Relevant Radio at the $365 level today, you will receive a copy of I Believe in Love by Fr. Jean C. J. d’Elbée and a St. Thérèse of Lisieux Rose-Scented One-Decade Rosary with Case!

Give now!

Cassie Everts serves as Contributing Writer at Relevant Radio. She is a wife, mother, author and speaker. She is the co-author of Nursery of Heaven and blogs at Everyday Ann. She holds degrees in Theology and Communication Arts from Franciscan University of Steubenville.