What Can St. Thomas More Teach You? A Conversation with Cardinal Thomas Collins (The Cale Clarke Show)

Have you ever been pressured to go against your conscience? You’ll be inspired by the heroism of St. Thomas More who was willing to die for the sake of what is true.

Cale Clarke is joined by Cardinal Thomas Collins, the Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto, to discuss the life of St. Thomas More. St. Thomas More, born in the late 1400s, was a lawyer in London who considered a monastic life before deciding on marriage. Cardinal Collins highlights St. Thomas More’s intelligence, leadership, and moral courage, particularly in opposition to Henry VIII.

More had an unwavering conscience, refusing to go along with the king’s demands, which ultimately led to his execution. Cardinal Collins criticizes the portrayal of More’s conscience in the play and movie “A Man for All Seasons” for misrepresenting his reasoned and faithful stance as mere stubbornness. Cardinal Collins explains the importance of aligning personal actions with faith and reason, adding that that we must do what is right because of our deep convictions, not merely because of our individual opinion of what we think is right.

You’ll also get a sense of the historical context of More’s time, with Martin Luther’s break from the Catholic Church. They delve into the complexities of the period, including Henry VIII’s initial defense of the seven sacraments against Luther’s views. Cardinal Thomas Collins explains that King Henry VIII unfortunately got to the point where he no longer stood for what was true. You can contrast More’s selfless dedication to duty and faith with the self-centered attitudes of figures like Henry VIII.

His eminence explains that we are now in a time where people believe so many false ideas that are widely accepted, and we must follow St. Thomas More’s example of bravery. We should be willing to go against the flow and speak truth no matter how scared we might feel.

Catch the whole hour here!

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.