Where Hope is Found

The three theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity. In the opening prayers of the Rosary we pray three Hail Marys for an increase in these virtues. All three are vital to the Christian life, and in need of cultivation throughout our life.

One of the virtues, hope, has a Christian definition that is often confused with a widely-circulated secular understanding. Hope is so much more than our daily use of the word. “I hope it stops raining!” “I hope we win the game.” This shallow meaning might take away from the average person’s knowledge of the true depth of hope.

So what is hope, really? The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines hope as “the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC 1817)

That’s a lot more than a fleeting thought or faint wish for something to happen. It truly is surrender, letting go of our own stubbornness, our own selfish desire to take care of everything on our own and without any outside help. It means putting everything—even our very lives—into Christ’s outstretched hands.

The symbol of hope is the anchor, as hope is the “sure and steadfast anchor of the soul” and “affords us joy even under trial.” (CCC 1820)

Without hope, things can become so bleak. Without our eyes turned towards eternal life and the promises of Christ, the darkness can begin to overtake us.

So where can we find hope? Only in one place. It’s all Him. And as our calendar quickly approaches the hopeful seasons of Advent and Christmas, we remember where that true hope is found.

It’s a tiny baby, peacefully sleeping in a manger. It’s the Creator of the Universe, come down from heaven to save you.

Join the Family!

Here at Relevant Radio, we strive to bring hope to your life each day through inspiring words, the prayers and sacraments of the Church, and a look at the world around us through the eyes of faith.

When you support us during our Fall Pledge Drive, you can also bring hope to our family of listeners spanning the country and the globe.

Today only (Monday, November 6), as a thank you for your generous support, we will be gifting donors who give at the $240 level (just $20 a month!) a beautiful olive wood Christmas ornament, handmade in the Holy Land. This bell-shaped ornament features a shining star and manger scene, a symbol of hope for all people!

Thank you for considering a gift to Relevant Radio today, and for your continued prayers. If you have already given to our Join the Family Pledge Drive, we sincerely thank you!

If you give to Relevant Radio at the $240 level TODAY ONLY, you will receive this Hanging Olive Wood Bell Nativity Christmas Ornament! Don’t miss your chance to Join the Family!

Give now!

Lindsey is a wife, mother, and contributing author at Relevant Radio. She holds a degree in Journalism and Advertising from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lindsey enjoys writing, baking, and liturgical living with her young family.