Catholic Clarity: Unpacking the Vatican’s New Document on Blessings (The Drew Mariani Show)

If you’re looking for clarity regarding the new Vatican document allowing blessings for same sex couples, you’ll get the truth in this episode of The Drew Mariani Show.

Drew engaged in a compelling discussion with Father Robert Gahl. Here are the points you need to know.

The Heart of the Matter: The Vatican, under Pope Francis’ approval, issued a document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith, focused on the concept of blessings in various contexts, especially for couples in “irregular situations,” including same-sex couples. This document does not equate such blessings with the sacrament of marriage.

Key Distinctions:

  1. Blessings as Sacramentals, Not Sacraments: Unlike sacraments, which inherently transmit grace, sacramentals like blessings depend on the recipient’s disposition.
  2. Liturgical vs. Pastoral Blessings: There’s a difference between formal liturgical blessings and informal, pastoral blessings, which can be familial or paternal.
  3. A Path to Conversion: The document emphasizes that blessings for individuals in irregular situations are meant to be a step towards conversion and rectification of life, not an endorsement of their current state.

Misconceptions Cleared: The media often misinterpreted this document as the Church’s endorsement of same-sex unions. In reality, the Church’s stance on marriage and sexual activities remains unchanged – confined within the sacrament of marriage between a man and a woman.

The Role of Blessings: Father Gahl clarifies that the document allows for blessings as a means of invoking grace for individuals, aiding in their spiritual journey and conversion. These blessings are not a validation of same-sex unions or sinful behaviors but rather a call to holiness and alignment with Church teachings.

Ensuring Proper Intent: Priests are advised to discern the intention behind requests for blessings. Blessings sought to condone or approve sinful acts are considered sacrilegious. The aim is to foster genuine conversion and closeness to sacraments.

The Challenge of Communication: The Church faces the task of clearly articulating its teachings and the intent of such documents, ensuring faithful understanding and adherence to the Church’s perennial doctrines.

A Call to Parents: The document reinforces the vital role of parents in blessing their children, including those struggling with same-sex attraction. This act is an expression of unconditional love and fidelity to God.

The Unchanging Nature of Church Teachings: Throughout the discussion, the unchangeable nature of Church teachings on marriage and sexuality, rooted in human dignity and natural law, is emphasized.


Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.