Is Life Better Without Social Media? (The Drew Mariani Show)

Is Life Better Without Social Media? (The Drew Mariani Show) – The Best of the Week –

Do you remember your life without social media and the internet? Were they more stress-free? Did you feel happier?

Take a captivating journey with Drew Mariani into the impact of social media on our lives. He begins with a nostalgic look back at the simpler times of the ’70s and ’80s, contrasting them with today’s digital-heavy world. Drew zeroes in on social media’s dark underbelly and its role in escalating mental health issues like anxiety and depression, particularly among young adults.

You may notice that you compare yourself to others when you’re on social media; this is very common. Drew shares studies linking heavy social media usage to increased loneliness, depression, and even suicide.

What can you do if you’re addicted or influenced negatively by social media? Drew suggests setting time limits on social media usage, tracking screen time, curating feeds to include uplifting content, and engaging mindfully to avoid triggering negative emotions. He urges you to practice compassion and mercy online, transforming social media into a space of positivity and genuine connection.

A powerful testimony from Grace, a caller from Southern California, brings a real-life perspective. She shares her struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts stemming from social media use in ninth grade. Her turning point came when her mother, sensing something was wrong, led her back to the church and away from social media, leading to freedom. Her story may inspire you to take positive action for your own children.

Check out the whole podcast here! 


Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.