Will You Make a Good Confession this Advent? (Morning Air)

Have you been to Confession recently? If not, is fear holding you back? This Advent, Relevant Radio invites you to consider making a good confession so that you can grow closer to the Lord when He comes into this world on Christmas.

If you haven’t gone to the sacrament in a while, Fr. Gordon offers guidance. Start by examining your conscience, ponder what kept you away, and what brings you back. In the confessional, be open and unafraid – it’s not just the priest, but Jesus himself you’re conversing with. 🙏

Remember that confession is a meeting with the Lord, a chance for absolution and renewal. If you encounter any challenges, remember, the grace of the sacrament transcends human imperfection.

Fr. John Gordon underscores the significance of this time as a period of grace and spiritual renewal. He emphasizes the importance of confession, drawing parallels with the Advent figures like John the Baptist, who symbolize preparation and repentance. 🕊️

Highlighting Jesus’ baptism by John as an act of solidarity with humanity, Fr. Gordon invites us to view confession not as a mere ritual but as an embrace of God’s infinite mercy. He reminds you that waiting in line for confession should be seen as eagerly as waiting for a concert or a new product release – it’s a queue to spiritual freedom and joy! 🌟

Fr. Gordon’s message is clear: Embrace confession this Advent, not as a burden, but as a beautiful opportunity to prepare your heart for Christmas, to encounter Jesus in a profound, personal way. It’s a spiritual game-changer!

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.