The Patrick Madrid Show: January 04, 2024 – Hour 3

From discussing the concept of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist to offering advice on ethical dilemmas, Patrick Madrid’s insights are both enlightening and practical. Join us as he provides clarity on theological matters and debunking misconceptions about the origins of the Catholic Church.

  • Sammy – When we ask Mary for intercession, does that mean that we’re praying to her or just asking her?
  • Catherine – My son and his girlfriend want to live together. What should we do?
  • Sal – How do I decide who to give my charitable donations to?
  • Paul – In John 6, there seems to be a controversy about the real presence in the Eucharist. “It says “it is the spirit that gives live, the flesh is of no avail’ he seems to be contradicting himself.” How do I reconcile this?
  • Mary Jo – My daughter received a gift that was stolen. What do I do with this gift? (27:41)
  • Jim – I want to explain to a friend that the Church didn’t start with Constantine. Are there any good resources?
  • Maribel – I am an usher and we have had a lot of teens who wear baseball hats at church. How can I enforce better dress codes?
  • Caleb – When is it proper to call myself Catholic? I am in RCIA right now. (44:39)
  • Tom – I don’t see the two natures of Jesus in the scripture. Leo’s Tomb made in the 5th century says that “Each nature performs things that are consistent with that nature”. How does that apply to Jesus working miracles and living his life normally?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.