The Patrick Madrid Show: January 05, 2024 – Hour 2

Patrick provides heartfelt and practical advice to a concerned parent, Christopher, regarding his daughter’s enrollment in a private Christian school. Christopher, a lifelong Catholic, expresses concern about the school’s statement of faith, particularly its adherence to sola scriptura and faith alone, both of which contradict Catholic teachings. Patrick candidly discusses the potential impact on Christopher’s daughter’s Catholic faith and proposes alternative education options, including homeschooling and Catholic-friendly programs. Furthermore, the episode delves into an intriguing discussion about the angels, shedding light on the biblical account of Lucifer’s fall and the nature of angelic beings.

  • Chris (email) – We are looking at putting my daughter into a local Christian school, but they want me to sign a statement of faith that appears to be sola scriptura and faith alone. Should I sign it?
  • Annette – From where do we get the story that Lucifer was the most beautiful and smart of all the angels? (11:59)
  • Joseph – I’m questioning my own beliefs, specifically the Eucharist as symbol vs. real presence. (22:14)
  • Mike – I don’t understand why more parishes don’t form homeschool groups.
  • Thaddeus – I think we should receive communion in the hand.
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.