The Patrick Madrid Show: January 31, 2024 – Hour 2

Today, we dove deeply into the fabric of faith and morality. We tackled the difficult questions of Theosis, shining a light on the Catholic resonance with divinization and unity with God. We stepped into the realm of personal struggles, offering hope to those grappling with alcoholism and broken relationships, pointing them towards healing through literature and spiritual encouragement. We unpacked the complexities of belief, engaging with atheists using dialogue rooted in love, compassion, and understanding. Our discussion on the sacrament of Confession reaffirmed its vital role in our spiritual lives. And we engaged with real-time issues affecting our communities, from the worrying trend of arson on industrial farms to the challenges facing modern marriages. Every question posed, every concern raised, was met with biblical wisdom and practical advice. For powerful insights into living authentically Catholic in a complex world, keep tuning into The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio. Join the conversation and fortify your faith!

  • Patrick comments on the Chicken Farm Fires
  • Dorothy – Why did Jesus say ‘I must go to the father before the Holy Spirit could come?’
  • Teresa – I see a discrepancy in scripture: Did Joshua marry Rahab or someone else?
  • Annette (email) – My neighbor is a recovering alcoholic and he shared with me that his wife wants him out. Do you have a book I could give him? Patrick recommends “Making Sense Out of Suffering” by Peter Kreeft
  • Craig – Do you like the books of Father Benedict Groeschel, “The Still Small Voice”?
  • Patrick responds to an email saying he had an “Anti-Migrant” show
  • Joshua – Do you think that gay couples who are already married should seek a divorce? (30:05)
  • Celeste – My sister has a gay friend who is getting married. My sister won’t go to her friend’s wedding. How can she talk with her friend about why she can’t go?
  • Ed – What is the benefit of going to confession if you haven’t committed a mortal sin? (48:07)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.