Would This Prevent Me from Attending the Eucharistic Congress? (The Patrick Madrid Show)

In a heartfelt episode of The Patrick Madrid Show, Martha from Houston shares her emotional 33-year journey towards getting an annulment.

Martha’s story begins in a Bible study, where a conversation about participating in the Eucharist Revival opens up her own deep concerns. She’s married to a fellow Catholic, but in a civil ceremony, not recognized by the Church due to her previous marriage. This situation leaves Martha unable to receive the Holy Eucharist, a source of great distress for her. 😔

Patrick Madrid explains that Martha’s attendance at the Eucharistic Congress is not only allowed but encouraged. However, her current marital status does prevent her from receiving the Holy Communion. 🙏

Martha and her current husband have been living as brother and sister for 20 years as they await the annulment of Martha’s first marriage. This incredible sacrifice demonstrates their strong desire to align fully with the Church’s teachings.

Patrick’s advice? Martha should push forward with the annulment process, even if her first husband is uncooperative. He emphasizes the importance of speaking with her parish priest to understand the validity of her first marriage. If it’s found null, Martha could then be free to marry her current husband in the Church.

In the meantime, Martha is encouraged to make a good sacramental confession of all her sins, including the second marriage, and continue living in a chaste relationship with her current husband. This way, she can align herself with God’s will and the Church’s teachings, opening the path to receive the Holy Eucharist. 🕊️

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.