“Does God Care if I Left the Catholic Church?” (Father Simon Says)

If someone leaves the Catholic Church to become Protestant, are they committing a sin? This question was causing some anxiety in Karen from Oregon’s heart, so she reached out to Fr. Richard Simon for some guidance.

Here’s the background… Karen, originally from a Protestant background, converted to Catholicism in 1965. Despite her efforts to follow Catholic practices, she struggled with the concept of being in a constant state of grace and never felt completely secure in her faith. Eventually, Karen found comfort and a sense of belonging in a Protestant church, attracted to the familiar hymns and beliefs of her childhood. However, she is troubled by warnings from her Catholic friends that leaving the Catholic Church could jeopardize her salvation. Is this true??

Fr. Simon discusses the concept of assurance of salvation, bringing up a conversation with a Protestant religious leader. He notes that while Protestantism may offer a sense of assurance, it could be misleading or false. In contrast, the Catholic approach to salvation is rooted in the sacraments and the covenant with God, symbolized by the act of confession and absolution. Making a good confession of your mortal sins will always give you peace, he explains.

Father encourages Karen to seek clarity and guidance in her faith journey, urging her to focus not on what feels good or right to her, but on what God desires for her. He points out that true faith involves seeking God’s will rather than personal satisfaction. He explains that Mass may not always be entertaining, but that’s not the point anyway. Mass is the worship that God the Father desires.

If you’ve been away from the Church, consider this podcast your invitation to return home. God is ready to meet you with open arms.

Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.