Lesson 33: The Lord’s Prayer

There are seven petitions in this prayer

Today’s Lenten Lesson: The Lord’s Prayer

Do you know why the Our Father is called the Lord’s Prayer?

The Our Father is called the “Lord’s Prayer” because it was given to us by Jesus Christ, Our Lord.  He composed it. That’s why we stand up to pray it all together.

And did you know there are seven petitions in the Our Father?  The first three are more theological and draw us toward the glory of the Father, and the last four commend our wretchedness to his grace.  You can read more about those petitions in the Catechism of the Catholic Church or in Pope Benedict XVI’s first volume on the Gospels. It was Pope Benedict XVI who pointed out that “we are at our most attentive in prayer when we are driven by some inner need to ask God for something.”

Ask God for good things, lots of good things, because God is our Good Father.

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Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.