Fr. Rocky Remembers Back to His 2nd Grade Birthday Party (Family Rosary Across America)

Welcome to the Family Rosary Across America on Relevant Radio!

🕗 It’s eight o’clock in New York, seven in Chicago, six in the Mountain States, and five on the West Coast. The phone lines are buzzing with prayer intentions!

First Caller: Audrey from Albuquerque, NM Audrey calls with a heartfelt intention for Amanda, a family member facing possible homelessness. Audrey, who also struggles with severe PTSD, prays for her own healing. Fr. Rocky and Maggie promise prayers, trusting Jesus to come to their aid. 🙏

Fr. Rocky urges everyone to pray for the upcoming National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis this July, aiming for real conversion and love for the Eucharist. 🕊️

Next Caller: Aaron from Wisconsin, Age 8 Aaron shares his simple yet sweet prayer intention for his great grandpa’s health and his upcoming birthday party. Fr. Rocky reminisces about his own second-grade birthday, complete with cake, ice cream, and a Batman and Robin suit. 🦇🎂

Pray with Us! Whether you have a pressing intention or just want to join a community of faith, the Family Rosary Across America brings hearts together every evening. Don’t forget to bring your family and friends to the National Eucharistic Congress for a spiritual renewal this summer! ❤️✨

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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at and on the Relevant Radio® app.