This is a letter written by the 5th-8th grade classes to the 4th grade class at St. Mary of the Angels.
Dear 4th Grader: Don’t get a phone until you really need one. Phones can be very addicting. You can become so attached to your phone that you might not want to do anything else. Life is short. don’t take for granted what you have in the REAL world before it is too late.
Technology is addicting, especially YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. For some people it is computer games. It is not good for you to be on electronics the whole day. Set limits, delete useless apps, as they can be distracting and make you want to be on your phone longer.
So, limit your time on technology (social media time, time on phone or iPad, and computer games). It will give you so much more time to do much more valuable things. Setting screen time limits (especially on apps you use too much) can help you focus and create good habits. I make sure all my homework (or other tasks, such as sports, reading a book, chores, etc.) is done before I get on electronics. Once the screen timer goes off, I stay off my phone or iPad.
Just say No to TikTok, it is a time-consumer, it captures your personal information in order to control you. TikTok “challenges” are one example of this mind control—they can be deadly, literally! It was hard for me to give it up for Lent; I prayed a Hail Mary each time I wanted to download it again to open it. Eventually I forgot I had gotten rid of TikTok. I recommend deleting it and staying away from it. I feel like I have grown closer to God since I did. I believe others can too! Thank you, Fr. John, for changing my perspective on social media.
Be safe. Have a parent or a person of trust manage your account. Ask your parents before you try to download a new app or go on a new web site. Don’t give in to peer pressure to download a certain app or look up certain websites. Be safe and be smart.
When you’re on the Internet, don’t share private information such as passwords, address, location, or personal photos, or other information. Keep accoutns (profiles on social media) private, no matter how old you are.
Be kind online. Don’t cyberbully or make fun of people online or post mean things to ANYONE no matter what. Don’t date or “meet up” with someone online. Keep your “friends” to real people who you know through family and school connections, or long-time friend. Adults can pose as kids to groom you to get you to do something bad. Don’t do or say anything you wouldn’t do in front of your real friends or parents.
Be yourself, don’t pretend to be someone you are not. Only have one social media account (No “Finsta” or anonymous accounts). Even if you don’t say anything bad, you shouldn’t be afraid to post your favorite hobby, etc. on your main account and profile. Only post things you don’t mind that anyone and everyone else will see. Remember keep your profile private.
Don’t watch inappropriate things (that would offend your mother or father) or post any of your body parts. When you go on electronics do it with others so you yourself aren’t sucked in.
Don’t trust online robots (or random people, strangers) or answer (spam or unknown) callers or unknown: they can steal your information.
Don’t believe everything you see online; avoid suspicious links, ads, or notifications (DO NOT press these!) It’s not worth your time checking it out and you can compromise your electronic device and your personal information. Careful of AI and Chat-GPT, it is not always correct.
Enjoy your childhood with friends.
5th to 8th Graders from 2023