“If Abortion Isn’t Wrong, Then Nothing Is Wrong” (Father Simon Says)

Fr. Simon spoke truth in this episode, comparing abortion to slavery and calling it the greatest evil of our time.

The Civil War, Slavery, and the Pro-Life Fight

Fr. Simon admits he’s a Civil War buff and draws some pretty remarkable parallels between the fight to end slavery and today’s battle against abortion. Here’s his argument:

Back in the day, slavery was considered “normal”: even morally acceptable. People thought it was an economic necessity, a constitutional right, and even better for the slaves. (Yes, really. 🤦‍♂️)

Fast forward to today, and he says the same twisted logic is being used to defend abortion:

“It’s my right!”

“It’s better for the child not to be born into hardship!”

“Our society needs it!”

Fr. Simon isn’t buying it. He points out that slavery and abortion are both rooted in the same lie: that one person can “own” or control another.

💡What Can We Learn from Abraham Lincoln?

Fr. Simon praises Lincoln for playing the long game. Abe hated slavery but waited until he was in a position to actually end it. Fr. Simon sees parallels here, too: the pro-life movement may feel like the “obnoxious minority” now, just like abolitionists did back then. But guess what? History vindicated them. 🕊️

He even paraphrases Lincoln’s famous quote about slavery:
“If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”
And Fr. Simon makes it crystal clear: If abortion isn’t wrong, then nothing is wrong.

🔥A Spiritual and Social Crisis

Fr. Simon doesn’t sugarcoat it: abortion is a blight on society, just like slavery left scars that we’re still dealing with today. He believes abortion will leave a similar legacy: one of regret, brokenness, and loss. 💔

Here’s the hopeful part:

Just as the abolitionists fought against the tide and won, pro-lifers are fighting for truth.

Someday, he believes, the world will look back on abortion the same way we now see slavery: as an unspeakable evil that should never have happened.

So, What’s the Battle Plan?

Fr. Simon says pro-lifers are today’s abolitionists: a “minority” that’s often dismissed or even attacked for standing up for the unborn. He encourages you to stay strong:

God is on your side. 🙏

History is on your side. 📜

Truth is on your side. 🕊️

The pro-life movement is about defending the true meaning of freedom: not the kind where you can “do whatever you want,” but the kind where you can do what is right and pleasing to God.

If you’re pro-life, you’re fighting the good fight.

You’re standing on the right side of history: whether that’s from the perspective of future generations or the throne of God.

So, hang in there, keep praying, and keep working for the day when society wakes up and says, “What were we thinking?”

Now go be the “obnoxious minority” Fr. Simon says we need. 😉


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Jake Moore serves as a Digital Audio Content Producer for Relevant Radio®. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and is passionate about classic movies, Christian music, young adult ministry, and leading this generation to Christ through compelling media. You can listen to more of his podcasts at relevantradio.com and on the Relevant Radio® app.