The Patrick Madrid Show: August 26, 2021 – Hour 3

  • Conner – Question about relating the historical narrative of the great schism and why it is considered to be the Orthodox breaking away from the Catholic Church and not the other way around?
  • George – No one in the major news is saying that we abandoned an air force base. Our army gave up, someone told them too. Muslims are marking Christian doors with a “X”.
  • Chris – ‘WE’ as in patriot Americans didn’t leave this stuff behind. Biden as Commander in Chief left them behind. Don’t throw the military under the bus.
  • Spike Lee ‘back in editing room’ on HBO 9/11 doc after furor
  • Todd – Why did we even allow the equipment we left behind to be used? Wouldn’t we sabotage it so it is unusable?
  • Tom – 9/11 – I have an interesting fact about fire and that a match ignites steel wool very quickly
  • Rhonda – When a person dies in this life, how old will they be in Heaven?
  • Pamela – A polish Catholic priest is supposedly joining a “Polish National Catholic Church.’
  • Linda – I was in NY city during 911. The temperature of the fuel was 1200 degrees.
  • Mary – If people are wondering why this is happening, we need to look at the current administration. My mother had dementia. I know what it is when I see it.
  • Charlotte – We didn’t abandon the equipment; the Afghan army did.
  • Roxanna – Why does God allow these terrible things to happen like the people getting hurt in Afghanistan?
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.