The Patrick Madrid Show: April 26, 2024 – Hour 2

Patrick dives into the heartfelt inquiry about the impact of romantic comedies on single women, comparing it to how pornography affects men. Patrick Madrid thoughtfully addresses this concern, discussing the differences and potential emotional effects of such media. He elaborates on why romantic comedies, generally speaking, do not equate to the moral weight of pornography. Additionally, Patrick touches upon biblical narratives that resonate with themes of romantic pursuit and the personal experience of St. Teresa of Avila with romance novels.


  • Liz – Are romantic comedies for single women the equivalent of porn? (05:34)
  • Joel (email) – I love how kids are calling into the show!
  • Caroline – I’m looking for a book that gives perspective on assisted suicide. My daughter has been convinced by the arguments in favor of assisted suicide. Do you have recommendations? (18:43)
  • Bob – How did Mary, without sin, reside in her mother’s womb if she was without sin? (26:28)
  • Elena – I was discussing the protests yesterday with my 23-year old daughter yesterday. I asked my daughter why the protesters were so angry. She said they’re mad because we’re sending weapons to Israel. She said we grew up with mass shootings and the government didn’t do anything about it. (35:15)
  • James – What’s the best way to break free from a pornography addiction? (46:41)
Patrick Madrid is an acclaimed public speaker and has authored or edited 26 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including foreign-language editions. He hosts The Patrick Madrid Show daily on Relevant Radio.