Faith, Film, and Fear w/ Andrew Petiprin

Cale sits down with Andrew Petiprin, Fellow of Popular Culture at the Word on Fire Institute, to discuss his conversion from Anglicanism to Catholicism. Cale and Andrew also discuss the new Netflix show “Midnight Mass”. How can a Christian find balance in entertainment consumption? What did St. John Henry Newman mean by “heart speaks to heart”?
Find out more about Andrew and the work he is doing at Word on Fire here:
You can also find out more about Andrew at his website:

Cale Clarke is the host of both The Cale Clarke Show and The Faith Explained on Relevant Radio. On The Faith Explained, Cale dives deep into Scriptures, the Catechism and Sacred Tradition to bring an in-depth look at what the Catholic Church Believes. On the Cale Clarke Show, Cale unpacks how a Catholic perspective affects the nitty-gritty of everyday life. He also looks at what's happening in the culture through a Catholic Lens.