Make it a great Advent!

I’m happy to join you on this first day of Advent. The purpose of these daily audio clips is to inspire you and help you to prepare your heart during this beautiful Season of Advent.

If you want to have a very Merry Christmas, it starts right now by making it a great Advent!

Hi, this is Fr. Rocky with an Advent Inspiration just for you!

St. John the Baptist prepared people for the coming of Christ by calling them to conversion and repentance. Christ is coming again, this year on Christmas Day. So if you want to have a very Merry Christmas, it begins right now in Advent with personal conversion and repentance.

If you go to Confession before Christmas – and make it a really good Confession by not hiding any sins, and being truly sorry – then you will have a very Merry Christmas because the Sacrament of Confession is the Sacrament of Joy.   I know it from personal experience. There is nothing better in the world than to be in the state of grace!

If you need any help going to Confession, just go to the Relevant Radio App, and you’ll find the Confession Helper under the prayer menu on the right side.

And if you can’t remember any of your sins, just ask the people you live or work with, and they’ll tell you.

Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, "Fr. Rocky" is the Executive Director/CEO of Relevant Radio and a priest of Opus Dei.