Is “Human Composting” Morally Permissible?

On The Patrick Madrid Show, a listener named John wrote in to ask Patrick about cremation and human composting: Patrick, Has the Church said anything about human composting? I realize that cremation is permitted but not recommended. However, this latest fad is a whole new ball game. Thanks. Traditionally, people are either buried in caskets... Continue reading

Should You Give Your Children Access to Social Media?

According to a study in the American Psychological Association’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, children today experience higher anxiety levels than the average child psychiatric patients of the 1950s. While some of these findings were the result of the rise of environmental threats, Jean M. Twenge, PhD reported that a decline in social connectedness... Continue reading

Relevant Radio Named Top Sponsor of the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress

As recently announced by the executive team of the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, the NEC has partnered with some of the most influential Catholic organizations in the world to support the mission of this international renewal project. Amongst that list of partners is Relevant Radio, the NEC’s top sponsor and a constant, dedicated supporter of... Continue reading

Why is it Wrong to Use Contraception?

NOTE: This article features some sensitive topics that may not be suitable for younger readers. Please use discretion. What is contraception? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, contraception (artificial) is defined: “The use of mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures to prevent conception from taking place as a result of sexual intercourse.” (CCC, Glossary)1.... Continue reading


How Do I Love the Sinner but Hate the Sin? - Many people scorn Catholics because they believe the Church teaches… ...


“The Saints” presents Saint Genesius – an actor! - Once upon a time in Rome, a comedian starred in… ...

Faith & Spirituality

American Eucharistic Witnesses: The Venerable Fulton Sheen and the Most Holy Eucharist - The American Eucharistic Witnesses series is published in the Heart of… ...

Family & Kids

The Misguided Campaign for “Gender-Affirming” Care - NOTE: This article features some sensitive topics that may not… ...